
habbo uk name:
habbz fansite name:
how u will to help us:
how long are you on habbo for:
how will you make us better:
anything else you want to say:

form creator


habbo uk name:
habbz fansite name:
why should you get the job:
how long are you on habbo for:
how will you make the news better:

form mail

 DJ we (needing 3-4)

Events (needing)

habbo uk name:
habbz fansite name:
how u will make us better:
how long where you on habbo for:
how will u make us better:
why should you get the job:

create form

answer the following: 


habbo uk name:
habbz fansite name:
how u will make us better:
name one event you will add and explain why:
have you had any pasy events jobs:
why should you get the job:

form mail
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